How to Navigate the Hungry Girl Website

I always love the "Spotted on Shelves" portion of your emails, but sometimes I read about a product, file it away on my mental grocery list, and then forget it. Same goes for your recipes. Where can I find all the info on the products, recipes, etc., you've written about... without digging through my inbox?
Searching for Spotted

Great question! We've actually redesigned our entire website over the past year, so now is the perfect time to direct you to those places and give you a little tour. Here are five tricks for navigating the site...
1. Each day's emails are archived and can be found via the categories at the top of the website. Yup, there are 12 years of emails neatly categorized for your convenience! Mondays are Food News (that's where you'll find all the "Spotted on Shelves" products), Tuesdays are Recipe Makeovers, Wednesdays are Ask HG Q&A, Thursdays are Weekly Recipes, and Fridays are Go-To Guides. Each category's landing page includes photos and titles of all the emails (starting with the most recent), to make it easy to find what you're looking for. If you're viewing the site on your phone, you'll notice that the recipe categories are combined into one. Speaking of which…
2. We now have one home for all our recipes! Can't remember if the recipe you're looking for was featured on a Tuesday or Thursday? No worries; just click on the Recipes tab at the top of the website. You'll see photos and descriptions for the past two weeks' worth of recipe emails, plus links to see more. Scroll down a little further, and you'll find the Popular HG Recipes section. That's a great place to browse through Breakfast Recipes, Meatless Recipes, etc. Looking for something specific? Good news...
3. The search function is now recipe centric and better than ever. Since recipes are the most searched content on the website, we've tailored our search function to give recipe results first. You can find the search bar in the upper right corner of the website. Search by ingredient (like chicken), cook method (foil pack, slow cooker, etc.), or any keyword (salad, onion rings, overnight oats... you name it!). The broader your search term, the more results you'll get; more specific searches will narrow your results. Looking for something other than recipes... like a recently featured product? After entering your search, scroll down to the "Other HG Results" section.
4. The brand-new homepage is a fantastic resource for some of the hottest HG content. Not sure what you want, just looking for something new? Check out the all-new homepage. You'll find a link to today's email, three standout recipes (desktop only), a list of trending topics, a trio of popular videos, and a bunch of other fun features! We change things up often, so check back anytime you want to discover something new.
5. For the latest and greatest Hungry Girl has to offer, make sure you're signed up for the daily emails. Subscribers get the benefit of being the first to know about new products, recipes, food news, and more. And unlike some of our older content, our new emails are mobile friendly and contain SmartPoints® values! Sign up (if you're not already subscribed), and tell your friends...
There you have it... Happy chewin' and viewin'!
Chew on this:
Today, May 11th, is National Eat What You Want Day. That sounds dangerous. Better stick with our no-guilt recipes!
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Send it in! She answers new Qs each week (but cannot respond to emails personally).
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We may have received free product samples, which in no way influences whether these products are reviewed favorably, unfavorably, mentioned with indifference, or mentioned at all. Click for more about our editorial and advertising policies.
*The WW Points® values for these products and/or recipes were calculated by Hungry Girl and are not an endorsement or approval of the product, recipe or its manufacturer or developer by WW International, Inc., the owner of the Points® trademark. For those on the Diabetic Plan, values may vary.
Questions on the WW Points® values listed? Click here.
Hungry Girl provides general information about food and lifestyle. This information and any linked materials are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. Click here for more information.